Website Redesigning– 7 Vital Points You Must Know

Website Redesigning– 7 Vital Points You Must Know

Website redesigning is an important thing that simply cannot be overlooked. There are hardly any business web designs on the Internet that do not undergo a makeover or re-designing at some point in their period time. It becomes really monotonous and mundane for visitors to see the same old design, look and concept of websites and with time the whole thing becomes obsolete.

Therefore, if you have a business web design it is really crucial to re-design and make it more attractive. In addition, the stiff competition in the market has made it compulsory to have custom web development for online business. Businesses that lack in good custom web design often have to a hefty loss in terms of productivity and sales. Hence, customizing and redesigning websites also helps a business to grow and make profits.

On top of that, redesigning your business web design also provides you with positive feedback from customers and visitors which helps in the productivity of your business.

1. Website redesigning is not as simple as it sounds

You have to start from the scratch by pulling down the entire website. While doing this you also need to assure that traffic volume and search engine ranking of the website do not get affected. It is really crucial to have a proper plan and keep in mind several factors that are involved in the re-designing process. Given below are such seven vital points that you must know while contemplating redesigning of websites.

2. Goal and objective of redesigning

This is quite an important factor before undergoing a redesign. You should be aware why you want to redesign your website and what you wish to accomplish from redesigning. There are few others similar questions like, are you satisfied with the functioning of your website or not? Do you want more attractive website than the current one? And do you want to improve search engine ranking of your website and sales conversions? These factors are very important to go through before you start with redesigning.

3. Type of re-design you require

Once you are aware of goals and objectives of redesigning, the next thing comes is the type of re-design you are looking for in your business web design. You may require a small change in visuals and content, add some new features or completely redo your underlying code base. Consider your needs and budget and coordinate with your web design Company or designer. For your interest, make a balance that suits you and your designer as well.

4. Positive and negative elements of your business web design

Your website may have certain positive elements that are working very well. These elements should be retained and carried forward while redesigning. On the other hand, your website might also have some un-required elements that are doing no good for the website and business as well. It is better to get rid of such elements at the time of redesigning. To make things easier, make a list of pros and cons of your current website design and discuss positive aspects that you want to retain with your web design company.

5. Interaction of users.

It is equally important to consider how visitors are finding your website and what they do once they are on the website. This helps in identifying your problem areas. You can study your traffic, statistics and site analytics for information on things like search engine keywords and sales conversion.

6. Branding

A very important thing to consider in redesigning is to maintain branding of the business. You have to be assured that your logo and other branding factors are up to date with new business web design. The launch of a website makes a big impact on its web traffic by creating a buzz about your new website and products. A big launch of website redesigning can draw huge traffic and generates interest and vice-versa.

7. Website usability

You should focus on improving your website usability and functionality while redesigning. It is no use spending big bucks on re-designing if the website has poor functions and users simply turn-down such web designs.



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